Monday, December 19, 2016

Miracles in Luxembourg!

Bonjour family & friends!!

This week we also went and sang at two different nursing homes with our ward. We sang hymns in French, English, and German. All the cute elderly people loved it! It was so fun to watch the big smiles come onto their faces when they heard a hymn in their native language. I think they really appreciated us coming. It was a good reminder that even simple acts of service can make a big difference! Here are some of the miracles we saw this week.

exploring Luxembourg!

We were on our way to visit some members is our ward that don't come as often. We contacted a lady that we saw on the way there and started talking with her. As we were talking with her, there was a man who was trying to go around us on the sidewalk. The sidewalk was really small so we were taking up the whole thing. As we moved out of the way to let him pass, he noticed our plaques and then stopped to ask about who we were. It was pretty cool because I started talking with him and Sœur Brown kept talking to the other lady. So we were having two completely different conversations going on just 3 ft away from each other. Getting one person to stop can be hard enough, let alone two! It was awesome. He actually just moved here from India and is friends with a lot of members of the church there. He is Christian but because they just moved here they don't have a church that they attend. He told us that he wants to bring his family to our church to see what it is like! The other lady that Sœur Brown was talking with was from Brazil and actually had member friends as well. We gave they both our number and the address to the church. We are praying that we see them on Sunday!

Walking around Lux with Soeur Brown!

This week we were walking down a street and Soeur Brown and I were talking about how we just so badly want to find the people Heavenly Father has prepared here. Sometimes it can be hard because we go into certain areas and when we don't feel like we are having much "success". We often question if that was really where we were supposed to go. As we were walking back to the gare to catch our train we saw a lady ahead of us but she was on the other side of the street. We quickly crossed the street (after looking both ways for cars of course) and caught up to her. We introduced ourselves and come to found out that this lady had actually been taught by missionaries in Cape Verde and even had a baptismal date at one point! She is leaving on vacation for the holidays but when she gets back we are going to meet with her. She was literally such a miracle. I think Heavenly Father was trying to teach us a lesson that this is His work and that we need to have more faith that He is in control. If we are obedient and are doing everything we can to follow the spirit, He will make sure we are where we need to be to find the people that he has prepared. This experience reminded me of the scripture in 1 Nephi 7:12," Yea, and how is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him? Wherefore, let us be faithful to him." I think that not only in missionary work but in life in general, we often forget how much power Heavenly Father really does have over everything we do. He is actively involved in the details of our lives and if we are doing everything we can to live the principles of the gospel, He will not lead us astray. We often try to do everything ourselves and forget that He is the one who is really in control. We must have faith that if we do our part, "he will direct our paths for good." It is when our faith begins to falter and when we trust in our individual abilities that we begin to feel that we are not capable of accomplishing everything that is asked of us. In short, have faith and trust that Heavenly Father is not only aware, but actively involved in our daily lives! Lesson learned.

Joyeux Noël! Merry Christmas!

Love, Sœur Johnson

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