I hope everyone had a "Joyeux Noel!" We had lots going on this past week at the MTC. On Wednesday we taught a lesson to a member that lives in Paris via Skype. We taught her for about 30 minutes on developing Christlike attributes. I was able to understand most of what she was saying so that was comforting! On Christmas Eve we spent the day studying until the evening when we watched a Nativity put on by some of the missionaries. Afterwards, we watched a movie called "Witnesses of Christ." When we got back to our residence we opened our Christmas presents because we weren't going to have time Christmas morning. On Christmas morning we went and listened to Elder Bednar speak. He distributed 150 cellphones so that missionaries could text him questions and we could do a big Q&A session. It was an interesting format but it worked really well! In the evening David Archuleta came and did a little Christmas performance for us. He actually sang a French Christmas song in honor of the people that died in the terrorist attacks in Paris. It was really cool and it definitely made me feel better about having a little bit of a "Spanish accent" haha. We spent this morning cleaning the temple! We were all talking about how proud our mother's would be because we were washing base boards and dusting lots furniture. I even had to dust all the artificial plants with a blow dryer.. The Church takes the term "deep cleaning" very seriously. We got our flight plans and we are on the direct flight to Paris on Monday! I couldn't be more excited!!
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Christmas in the MTC! |
I just wanted to share a few thoughts that I had when Elder Bednar came and spoke on Christmas. He addressed a question regarding feeling inadequate. The feelings of inadequacy can come and will come as we are asked/called to do things that we think are beyond our capability. Many people may feel inadequate in school, church callings, parenting, jobs, and in my case being a missionary. There is no doubt that I feel very inadequate to accomplish all that is asked in the calling to be a missionary. However, I take great comfort in the response that Elder Bednar gave as he responded to the question of dealing with inadequacy. He said, "When you feel inadequate, remember where your call came from." There is no doubt in my mind where my calling came from. It wasn't by luck or by chance. No matter how inadequate I feel, I know that I am supposed to be serving the people of Paris, France. In all reality we are all very inadequate to do what the Lord asks of us. However, we simply just have to do our best and he will take care of the rest. When we do our best he will enhance our ability to accomplish things that are beyond our natural capability. Through the enabling power of the atonement he will strengthen us through difficult times. He makes up for all the inadequacies we have. His grace will help us accomplish things we don't think we can do. I am so grateful for the knowledge that as we simply "do our best" he will take care of the rest. Happy New Years!
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White Christmas with Soeur Burton |
Soeur Johnson